Languages at Columbia

Access the Columbia University Language Portal

The Columbia LRC AI Working Group

Engaging with the affordances and constraints of artificial intelligence in language learning

Faculty Projects

Check out recent projects produced by Columbia language faculty in collaboration with the Language Resource Center

Excellence in Teaching

Learn about the numerous ongoing professional development activities organized by the Language Resource Center

Engaging with the City

New York City is one of the most linguistically rich environments on Earth
Columbia students can engage with speakers of over 700 languages and language varieties within the city

Events at the LRC

The Language Resource Center regularly hosts reading groups, workshops, and symposia for language faculty specifically, and for the broader language community as well. These include the Second Language Acquisition Reading Group, the Instructional Innovation Workshops, and talks by invited guests.

In addition, the LRC aggregates information about language tables, foreign language film clubs, and other language events for students.

Subscribe to the LRC Newsletter

The LRC Newsletter is a crucial link between the center and the Columbia language community. It provides a regular email update of the latest events, technology tips, lesson ideas, and professional development opportunities.